XMLA Read-Write Endpoint: The Cornerstone for Power BI as an Enterprise BI Solution


Since the release of Power BI Premium in 2017, Microsoft has been continuously expanding the list of features that differentiate its solution running on a dedicated capacity from the shared capacity version. A game-changer step in this process is the release of the XMLA read-write endpoint, which makes SQL Server Analysis Services Tabular models of Power BI reports deployed on Power BI Premium available for both reading and writing. This makes a myriad of applications and techniques previously developed for on-premises SQL Server Analysis Services Tabular and Azure Analysis Services models available for developing and operating Power BI reports, taking Power BI Enterprise BI solutions to the next level.

In this session, we present several practical use cases for XMLA read-write endpoint: migrating existing SQL Server Analysis Services Tabular models to Power BI Service, significantly improved application lifecycle management for Power BI artifacts, debugging, monitoring and tracing functionalities for Power BI reports, much more sophisticated incremental refresh solutions, using such SQL Server Analysis Services Tabular-specific features which are not available in Power BI, etc.